
Optical polarization singularities in the real space


报告题目:Optical polarization singularities in the real space



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Singularities can appear in the real-space distribution of lights polarization, manifesting as ill-defined properties (orientation or major axis) of polarization ellipses or vanished norm of the fields. They carry intrinsic topological properties and have subtle relations with geometric phases and non-Hermitian exceptional points. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work about polarization singularities in the optical near fields of nano/micro structures. I will show that the integration of singularity, topology, and symmetry in such systems can give rise to interesting structures of light fields with potential applications in chiral sensing and chiral quantum optics.


王書波博士是香港城市大学物理系助理教授。他的研究领域包括手性光-物质相互作用,奇异光学,非厄米光学,超材料和光力。他在Nature Communications, Science Advances等期刊上发表论文约50篇,并在国际会议上发表邀请/专题演讲20次。2012年获得威廉孟杰出论文奖。